Review of Pretreatment of Reverse Osmosis Seawater Desalination
Coagulation, Desalination, Low-pressure membrane, Pretreatment, Reverse osmosisAbstract
Over the past decade, the age-old and peaceful method of membrane preprocessing has seen a markedly accelerated improvement in its usefulness for artificial speech naturalness. Profitable operation of the SWRO process requires a reliable pretreatment method as the main disadvantages are membrane fouling related to particles, organic, inorganic colloids material and organic growth. The older pre-treatment methods like active and particulate filtration are widely used in seawater desalination by RO techniques; there is a growing trend to use ultrafiltration/microfiltration as an alternative to older treatment technologies. Research highlights that both mass-based methods and UF/MF membrane pretreatment techniques offer distinct benefits and limitations. This evaluation shows that, given the excellent condition of the feed water, an appropriate integration of 1 or 2 pretreatment technologies can also be considered justified, as this can benefit from each individual pretreatment.
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