Guidelines for Editors
Guidelines for Editors
Editor Responsibilities:
Manuscript Selection:
- Ensure qualified reviewers with no conflicts of interest (COI) assess submissions.
- Aim for at least three reviewers per manuscript and replace consistently unreliable reviewers.
- Utilize diverse sources, not just personal networks, to identify new reviewers.
Review Management:
- Respond promptly to assigned manuscripts, striving for an initial decision within 3 to 6 months.
- Review all assigned papers, with reassignment being exceptional.
- Provide written feedback to authors with every decision, even one based solely on reviewer comments.
- Justify any significant deviations from the established peer-review process.
Reviewer Guidance:
- Require reviewers to disclose potential COIs before accepting review requests and monitor their performance for high standards.
- Encourage reviewers to comment on ethical concerns, potential research misconduct, originality, and plagiarism.
Decision Making:
- Base acceptance/rejection recommendations on reviewer reports, the manuscript’s significance, originality, clarity, validity, and alignment with the journal’s scope.
- Immediately reject papers demonstrably below Sustainable Engineering and Technological Sciences standards.
- Avoid reversing acceptance decisions unless serious issues arise.
- New editors should follow suit with previous editors’ publication decisions unless serious problems are identified.
- Report any suspected misconduct or authorship disputes to the editor-in-chief or publisher.