Overcoming Boundary-Layer Separation with Distributed Propulsion
Aircraft, Trucks; Efficiency, Lift; Drag, Rolling Losses, Mechanical Resistance, Distributed PropulsionAbstract
Strategically located propulsors are able to create constructive interference on aircraft; increasing lift, lift-drag ratios (L/D), and resilience to boundary layer separation. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) studies teach toward an optimal configuration with a near-zero upper-surface pitch in front of a trailing section propulsor followed by a trailing taper with 20° to 45° surface pitch from the propulsor to a trailing edge near the bottom of the lifting body (“Lift Span Tech”). Applications benefiting from Lift Span Tech range from box trucks to high-speed intercontinental transit. With initial propulsor power mitigating boundary layer separation, Lift Span Tech provides a high gain:loss, where the gain is in reduced drag and loss is reduced thrust from the propulsor. Performance may be augmented with ground effect further improving L/D efficiency. This study evaluates the sensitivity of performance to different CFD turbulence models and trailing taper pitches. While today’s commercial approaches can reduce truck drag by about 34% with no impact on wheel friction, new Lift Span Tech is able to reduce drag by up to 84% and wheel friction by up to 90%. The technology enables designs to allow direct solar power to fully replace liquid fuels in a wide range of vehicles.
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